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Lead from your natural abilities

Discover your natural abilities and learn to

lead people from your strengths

A Team Leadership Reimagined course designed to give you what you need to achieve workplace success and satisfaction




Video Intro


Take the Test


Join the Webinar

Webinar Learning Lab - Summer 2022 Dates Coming

Contact us if you have interest in a future date

  • Webinar Format - You can Work from Home to Complete the Course

  • Access to Highlands - World Class Natural Ability Assessment

  • Intentional Leadership & Team Development

  • Customizable Approach for Your Team


You want to be the best kind of leader...a leader who works to their strengths, is aligned with their natural abilities, and delivers sustainable results.


You want to increase your capacity to lead in your role now and move into positions with more responsibility in the future. As you develop a deeper understanding of your strengths and challenges, you are able to clearly communicate what you have to offer. You can also build strategies to use your strengths and develop areas that are more challenging for you.


You want to lead strong and effective teams and create a work atmosphere that is inspiring and energizing. Work can be a place of great fulfillment and purpose when you are working in roles that allow you to use your natural abilities. 

YOU have natural abilities

Everyone has natural abilities, but few of us know what they really are. Natural abilities are hardwired into each person and are different from skills and personality traits. If you are not using your natural abilities, you can feel dissatisfaction, uncertainty, and stress. When you are using your natural abilities, your effectiveness and personal satisfaction are significantly increased. By the age of fourteen, your natural abilities have matured enough to be defined and measured.


Understanding Your Natural Abilities Helps You Answer These Questions:

  • What job roles do I do efficiently and easily?

  • How do I learn the best? 

  • Why do I prefer to work alone or in groups?

  • What are the skills I’ve learned versus the natural abilities I have?

  • How can I more effectively lead in my work role?

  • How satisfied am I with my current role or workplace?

  • What future education should I pursue?

  • How can I best contribute to my community?


Answers to these questions and others will be unlocked through taking the Abilities Reimagined Learning Lab which utilizes the Highlands Natural Ability Assessment.


"I was so fascinated by the results which essentially explained why I struggled in certain environments and with certain tasks. Why some things come so easy and are enjoyable, while others are hard work. Thanks to Ledge for introducing me to this great personal insight tool. I wish I had this knowledge earlier in my career! It was a very helpful experience. I have again and again referred to my notes from the debrief and been able to apply the new insight for greater performance." 


Janine Dunlop

Regional Advisor - Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

The Highlands Ability Assessment is unique among assessment tools because it provides objective measurements of natural abilities.


Because it does not depend on self-reporting or on subjective appraisals, it gives you a clear and powerful picture of who you really are. The Highlands Assessment can be completed online from your home.

like no other assessment

The Highlands Ability Assessment is a series of 19 exercises that measure and define your natural abilities. This is not like any other test you’ve ever taken. In each exercise, you use your keyboard to solve a puzzle that tells us something about you. There are no grades and no good or bad results. 


Each exercise measures a particular aptitude; for example, how well you can distinguish one musical note from another or whether you prefer concrete tasks or abstract problems. You will find most of the exercises to be challenging and interesting. You’ll be amazed how much they reveal about you.


After you complete the exercises, you will receive a detailed report describing your results. The Abilities Reimagined Learning Labs will give you the opportunity to review your report and explore your abilities.

I finally found answers

I loved my time in university…taking courses, reading new information, writing papers, and doing presentations. During those years, I had a wide variety of summer jobs to help pay for school and living expenses. I have often said that many of those jobs reminded me of the reason I was going to university in the first place and inspired me to get back to school every fall!


I was grateful for the work and the fact that it allowed me to keep pursuing school each year, but I couldn’t put my finger on why the summer employment was unfulfilling or why I loved going to school so much.


After university, my work (both paid and volunteer) has focused on people, and youth in particular. I have always appreciated having variety in my work and opportunities to connect with individuals and as part of a team. Being involved in preparing for presentations and doing upfront communication have been energizing. I also continued to jump on opportunities to take courses and learn new information. Sometimes those learning experiences related to my work life (like a certificate program in Critical Youth Work) and sometimes they related to a personal interest (like Basic Fitness Instructor). I still did not have a way to explain why I was drawn to the work I did or my interest in taking courses.


About 12 years ago, I had the opportunity to take another course that explored my natural abilities. The course was like nothing I’d ever taken! It provided me with information that finally answered some of those questions I had been wrestling with for years. I learned about my natural ability to work with people in practical ways and that the best ways for me to learn and retain information are through hearing and reading about it. I also discovered a language to explain why some of my jobs during university took longer for me to learn and didn’t feel fulfilling. So many pieces fell into place and it was encouraging to understand more fully what I enjoyed (and didn’t enjoy) in my work life and to be able to communicate that knowledge to others.


That course about natural abilities has been such a benefit to me in understanding myself and how I can be the most efficient in the work I do. It has also been a benefit to teams I work with because when team members learn about their abilities and understand their strengths and challenges, we are able to be more effective in our work together. Also, I have had the opportunity to support many adults and youth as they explore their natural abilities. I have watched those individuals develop more clarity and confidence about the future and become inspired as they become more effective in the work they are doing. 


Developing that understanding and language have made such a difference to me and those I work with!


Melri Wright

TLR Instructor

lead from our natural abilities

Learning Lab Outline:

This learning lab will explore your understanding of your unique, ideal work environment and some of the natural abilities that demand expression in your work and personal life. We will build the connection between your natural abilities and other factors that influence job performance and satisfaction. The content will help you develop an integrated way to describe your strengths and challenges and offer steps to increase your leadership effectiveness.


Step 1 - Register 

  • Register for Abilities Reimagined


Step 2 - Video Introduction â€‹

  • View 3 short videos to prepare you for the assessment


Step 3 - Take the Online Test 

  • Complete Highlands Natural Ability Online Assessment

  • The Highlands Assessment is a 3 hour test that can be completed in multiple sittings

  • You are given 2 weeks to complete the Assessment


Step 4 - Group Feedback Webinar 

  • Explore Personal Style, Driving Abilities, and Specialized Abilities

  • Participate in Small Group Discussion and Personal Reflection

It’s More Than a Course, It’s a Leadership Community 


Abilities Reimagined is a shift from lecture based training to a shared learning environment. When you register, you will join up to 20 people meeting and learning together on an extended training journey. We are excited to see you participate and contribute to a supportive leadership community that represents the diverse cultures and traditions within Ontario.


  • Those in a mid-career leadership/management/supervisory role

  • Those leading within Not for Profits, Municipalities, First Nation Communities, Indigenous Organizations, and Charities

  • Those open to exploring new leadership concepts

  • Those wanting to apply new learning in their current context

  • Those seeking to expand their leadership capacity

who should attend?

learning lab details


  • Register

  • Complete Orientation Videos

  • Complete Online Highlands Test 

  • Participate in the Group Feedback Webinar     

  • Course Fee: $395  REDUCED! - $295

  • Course Includes: Video Orientation, Highlands Assessment, Group Feedback Webinar, 30 page Highlands Report

  • Payment Options: Credit Card / PayPal / e-Transfer / Cash / Cheque - Invoice Provided

ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCE: This live event requires ZOOM webinar software, which you will be automatically prompted to download upon clicking the access link provided to you in your confirmation and reminder emails. Zoom is an easy to use webinar software available for Mac OS X, Windows, iOS and Android. Installation should only take a moment.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: If you have a computer with a broadband connection (320 kbps minimum), web browser, and sound capabilities (microphone and speakers or headset), you will be able to view the webinar and participate in discussions. Recommended System Requirements: Windows 8.1 or Mac OSX 10.5 or higher, and browser versions Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 3, Safari 4, and Chrome 11 or higher. 

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